I was the scenic charge for She Kills Monsters and included in this role was helping the props master in creating the dragon heads. These heads were created by cutting the shapes out of half inch plywood. The two sides of the faces were connected with plywood blocks to get the initial structure and then added onto a pole. After this the facial structures, such as the eye indentations and cheek bones were created by chicken wire and stapled into the plywood. Then the chicken wire was wrapped in glue coated muslin to close the holes and cover any wire. The teeth were then applied that were triangles cut out of printer paper and stapled onto the mouth. Then I painted the dragon heads each a different color and then added shadows and highlights to further emphasize the facial characteristics of each dragon. The final addition to the heads were the silk beards, which were stapled on and color matched according to the head color and handles for the cast members to better maneuver. Above are production shots of the dragon heads.